Feeding Seniors
Seniors are one of our most vulnerable populations. All too often a senior will not ask for help and when they finally do, they are embarrassed because they are asking for assistance. We have heard more than once “I was not raised that way”.
For a senior living on a fixed income there are many challenges. They may have to decide between paying a utility bill or purchasing food. They may have to decide between paying for medicine or purchasing food. These are choices that put added stress on our seniors who paved the way for generations to follow.
To assist low income seniors or those struggling to put food on the table the Kansas Food Bank operates two different programs.
The Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) operates in 27 counties serving over 850 senior households each month. CSFP provides a balanced diet box containing: cheese, shelf stable milk, nonfat dry milk, peanut butter and beans, cereal, meat, vegetables, fruits, juice, and instant potatoes, rice or pasta. Along with each box we provide nutritional information, health information and recipes. The CSFP program is offered in the following counties: Barber, Barton, Bourbon, Cherokee, Crawford, Decatur, Ellis, Ellsworth, Geary, Graham, Grant, Hodgeman, Kearny, Labette, Lyon, Marion, Mitchell, Montgomery, Morris, Osborne, Pawnee, Phillips, Russell, Saline, Seward, Sherman & Thomas.
Our Bob Box program, named after former Kansas Senator Bob Dole, provides a “hand up” to seniors in 21 northwest and southwest rural counties. A Bob Box allows seniors the opportunity to help put missing meals on their table.
For information on how to receive a senior food box, please contact us at 316-265-3663.
Read More About Senior Hunger in Kansas
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