Update as of 5/19/23: The collections have been tallied! Thanks to you, we collected 99, 447 pounds of food through Stamp Out Hunger 2023. The items will be sorted by our volunteers, and then sent back out through our partner agencies to serve our neighbors experiencing food insecurity. THANK YOU to every person who donated, volunteered, and helped make the day a success! We are so blessed to have the support of our local letter carriers, and community members.

THANK YOU to everyone who participated in this year’s drive and partnered with us to make it a success. Our volunteers are already hard at working sorting the collected items, preparing them to go out to our partner agencies across Kansas. Check out some snapshots from this year’s drive below.

Update as of 5/15/23: Saturday’s Stamp Out Hunger food drive was a wonderful showing of what our incredible community can come together and achieve. With the help of many, many volunteers, Kansas Food Bank team members, and of course those who donated, we collected over 95,000 pounds of food in JUST ONE DAY for our Kansas neighbors, with more donations still coming in this week.

Previous Entry: The National Association of Letter Carriers will conduct their food drive on Saturday, May 13th. Letter carriers across our community, state and nation will collectively work together gathering non-perishable food donations left at the mailbox during their mail routes. All food is then distributed to the local food bank or pantry.
We are happy to have this event back. It is the largest one day food drive that is held for the Kansas Food Bank.
Be sure and watch for a special postcard and blue bag in your mailbox announcing the food drive. Then on Saturday, May 13th, leave your non-perishable food donations out in the blue bag for your letter carrier to pick up and bring back to the Kansas Food Bank. We appreciate all the hard work that goes into making this happen. Be sure and thank your letter carrier when you see him or her!