Dear Friend,
Hope, help and compassion. This holiday season, I see examples of these gifts you’ve shared throughout our Kansas communities. You have helped our community weather difficult circumstances time and again and given so many of our neighbors hope for a brighter future.
This year, the continued high cost of living has made it overwhelmingly difficult for our community members to afford nutritious food. But thanks to your support, we’ve continued to make great strides in our fight against hunger.
Your partnership has remained unparalleled and binds our community together, carrying us through any adversity that has or may come our way. And as I look at all we have accomplished this year I am reminded that together – we can make an incredible difference for Kansans we proudly serve.
In this holiday edition of Seeds of Hope, I hope you’ll enjoy reading stories of just a few of the amazing neighbors you helped, just like Juliana (page 3) who is thanking you for sharing hope with her and her children this holiday season.
With friends like you in our corner, I find comfort knowing that whatever may come our way in the coming year, we’ll be up to the challenge because we are all working together.
Thank you for your unwavering partnership.