Belynda’s family loves to be outdoors in the summer. Fly fishing is one of her kids’ favorite activities, as well as anything else they can do as a family outside. Everyone really loves crafts, too.
Belynda has always enjoyed cooking. She has worked in food prep and loves preparing meals for her family. She grew up cooking with her grandmother, and making food for her own husband and children makes Belynda feel closer to her.
The Beacon, a partner agency of the Kansas Food Bank in Fort Scott, has been there for Belynda’s family on several occasions in her life. Her mother and grandmother before her both used the Beacon when bills became urgent and there was no other way to put food on the table.
“I’ve always known The Beacon,” Belynda says of the community resource. “It’s always been a place my family could come to get help. If they can help, they will.”
Recently, with the price of gas and everything else soaring to new heights, Belynda’s job at a convenience store and her husband’s as a mechanic haven’t been enough to consistently make ends meet each month.
“When I don’t know where our next meal is coming from, I know I can go to The Beacon,” she says. “I never feel like a burden.”
To friends like you who give to support places like this, Belynda says, “People (donors) need to know how much they are helping… They are amazing. They don’t realize how much they help. So many people are helped here.”