Karen and Carol are longtime residents of Garden City. Between their careers and volunteering, these two friends are part of the culture that makes their city a wonderful place to live.
“We really love the size of the community, and having grandchildren close,” Karen says.
Carol was working as Development Director at Lee Richardson Zoo when Karen was hired on and they’ve been friends ever since. Their love for animals continues to this day.
Two years ago, the food bank brought the mobile food pantry to Garden City at The Community Church. This area of the community was selected due to so many neighbors being disproportionately affected by food insecurity. Monthly the mobile pantry provides 250 households with boxes filled with non-perishable items along with fresh produce. Providing fresh produce for our guests dovetails well with our Food is Medicine philosophy. Over 43 percent of the households we serve have someone in the home with diabetes and 62 percent have someone in the home living with heart disease.
Karen and Carol, both retired and living on fixed incomes, attend the mobile pantry. This resource helps them eat well and stay active. Both enjoy going to the local senior center to participate in social activities.
“It has meant a lot to me to have this option,” Carol says. “I really can’t say that enough.”
“It’s a wonderful service and the need is really [high] here in our community,” Karen adds. The two friends are thankful to everyone who supports the Kansas Food Bank and greatly appreciate the help you provide.