Health concerns brought Pedro, 66, and his wife, Julia, 61, to the HealthCore Clinic located in Wichita. Pedro’s hands had become so painful it was impossible for him to continue working as a dishwasher. For months, they visited the clinic for blood work and various tests to learn what is causing the pain.
While the clinic’s primary purpose is medical care, the belief that food is medicine is the reason the HealthCore food pantry was created for lower income communities in the area. Through a new partnership with the Kansas Food Bank, they are ensuring their patients of the clinic have access to nutritious foods that contribute to overall health and well-being.
The food distribution at HealthCore was perfect timing for Pedro and Julia. Since they have no insurance coverage, and very little income, having access to the medical help Pedro needs and being able to take home healthy fruit, vegetables and other staples was a huge relief!
Pedro and Julia are not the only patients receiving help with food. In the year since HealthCore added food distribution to their services, the number of seniors and families seeking assistance has tripled according to Dietician Lauren and Community Outreach Advocate and Pantry Manager Ivris.
“Thank you [for helping] people like us.”
On behalf of seniors who are struggling to afford life’s most basic necessities — including food — thank you for giving to ensure our most vulnerable neighbors can get help when it is needed most.
Julia looks forward to the day when she and Pedro can get back to a full and active life that includes riding bikes, working out at the gym and Pedro cooking dinner on the grill. Until then, these seniors are truly thankful to caring friends and donors who are helping them through a difficult time. “Thank you,” Pedro says, “[for helping] people like us.”