Summer can be a joyous time for many kids and families – but the reality is that for 1 in 7 Kansas kids, summertime means that the meals they relied on during the school year, are now meals they may not get.
Summer Feeding programs work to ensure missing meals are provided for kids, through a variety of ways. Through SFSP (Summer Food Service Program), families can get their kids the nourishment needed by locating one of many Summer Feeding sites across Kansas.
To locate a summer feeding site, use the Summer Meals Site Finder provided by the USDA or click the map below.

Each site listed will have specific information about the distribution, including days, times, and whether it is a non-congregate (Grab n Go meals) or congregate (Eat On Site) site.
The program is offered at no cost to the families statewide.
For Wichita area students, Wichita Public Schools have released a helpful site containing information about the program and a complete listing of sites. Click here to visit their website and learn more.

If you have any questions related to SFSP across Kansas, please reach out to Melissa at the Kansas Food Bank at (316) 265-FOOD (3663).